Weekly Digest- 27 March 2024

Weekly Digest- 27 March 2024

Welcome to our Weekly Digest – stay in the know with some recent news updates relevant to business and the economy.

ASB’s latest Regional Scoreboard: Winners and losers

There are a number of big rises and falls in ASB’s latest Regional Scoreboard, which ranks economic performance by measures including employment, confidence, retail sales and building consents.

Maritime Union says Government investigation into fuel security and refinery a good idea

The Maritime Union says it welcomes the new investigation into the feasibility of reopening the Marsden Point Refinery, announced by Associate Energy Minister Shane Jones. Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the Union supports the decarbonization of the transport sector, but until this is a reality there is a need to ensure resilience and fuel security.

GDP decreases 0.1 percent in the December 2023 quarter

New Zealand’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell 0.1 percent in the December 2023 quarter, following a 0.3 percent decrease in the September 2023 quarter, according to figures released by Stats NZ .

New Zealand vs Australia: Which country is happier? Study reveals

New Zealand is no longer one of the 10 happiest countries in the world, according to the United Nations’ annual World Happiness Report. Aotearoa was pushed to 11th by Australia, which now sits in 10th place.

Sales Strategy for the new financial year – Three key things every business owner must do

With the new financial year beginning on April 1st, it is a critical time to lay the foundations for your sales success in the year ahead. Here are three key things you can do at the start of a new financial year to get your sales rolling.

Recession no surprise as businesses struggle with economic slowdown says EMA

The Employers and Manufacturer’s Association (EMA) says it is not surprised that the economy entered recession in December quarter given the very difficult economic environment facing many businesses.

‘Two-tier oligopoly’ – Commerce Commission delivers verdict on bank competition

A “stable two-tier oligopoly” with Kiwibank stuck in the middle – this is how the Commerce Commission is characterising the state of the country’s banking sector. The competition watchdog has just released a draft report on the big market study the Labour Government commissioned it to do.

Will Auckland get a City Deal and what will it look like – National MP Simeon Brown talks to business leaders

Minister for Auckland Simeon Brown is briefing Auckland business leaders today amid calls for more urgent infrastructure delivery and central Government involvement. In an interview for Project Auckland, NZME’s special business report on the city, Brown confirms the Government has made a commitment to city and regional deals to help solve infrastructure challenges.

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